Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Acne Be Gone

For the past few months, I have noticed that my skin became clearer and smoother and then a huge realisation hit me. I HAVE NO MORE ACNE! 

For someone that had been battling acne since she was 11, (yeh I had acne before I even got my period?) (11???? I was still a child) (I didn't even know they were called acne then) the feeling of finally having good skin is beyond amazing. I got my first 100 pimples when I was 11, or at least it felt like it because everyone else my age had flawless skin (some still do) while I had a greasy pepperoni pizza face. The ages between 11 and 22.5 were the worst years of my life because I had no self confidence and I was always angry because the acne just got worse and worse with no signs of clearing up. But the absolute worst acne stage I ever had was when I came back from Georgia in 2011. 

The drastic change in weather caused my entire face to revolt against me and I literally couldn't do anything except crying because it hurt my face and my self esteem so much. On top of my whole face erupting like 20 volcanoes at once I had a few huge cystic acne just chilling under my skin that wouldn't break out so I was actually constantly in pain. It didn't help that I was actually attending Sixth Form at a co-ed school, a complete 180 degree change in the environment that I am so used to that is an all-girls school. Boys are always staring at me wondering who the fuck bashed my face up. A few of my classmates asked me what happened to my face because my acne is so bad it constantly had puss in it. And on top of that to make matters worse my mom took me to a facial lady for her to pop all of my pimples out. And the aftermath of all those facial sessions was that my skin was infected and I had to take antibiotics to reduce the infection. Actually, words cannot do justice as to how horrible the condition of my face was at that time. My face was everyone's worst nightmare.

Actually, my mom did redeem herself after many bouts of me coming home from school crying and wailing because my face is in pain. The only good thing my mom ever did to my face was to take me to this dermatologist in KL. He saved my face and although there are still obvious scarring and enlarged pores on my face, I am very grateful. Seeing the condition of my face, the first thing my doctor did was to inject into my acne. I am not kidding. I repeat, he injected into the skin on my face. He injected this medication into all of my acne, and I think I took over 30 injections in my whole face the first time I was there. My skin got slightly better in addition to the medication he put me on and for once since I got back and had to forcibly enrol myself into Sixth Form, I wasn't crying when I got home. 

However, this journey wasn't an easy one. I had to visit my doctor monthly and it costed my parents a lot of money because the injection+medication+face regime was really expensive. A part of it was also my fault because once I saw results, I would slack off on my medication and skincare so I was constantly bouncing on being off and on the medication. But, as of my final round of medication in earlier this year, the acne production factory has finally ceased operation. I had only two or three little pimple resurface since May 2015. I hope I am not speaking too soon because as of this moment in my life, my face is finally 100% free from acne. And I am elated. After 11 long years of battling with acne, I have won.  

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