Thursday, December 31, 2009

resolutions that i might not be able to keep til year end

yup, you read right. i have only made my new year's resolution once before in my entire life... this would be the second (isnt it obvious what happened to the first one)
well the reason for me to write it down is to see how determine i will be to keep it
and here's the list in no particular order

try to actually DO homework instead of copying them.
~sigh~ i need to discipline myself more
win this year's SIR
this means that no usage of short form words
study really really REALLY hard for SPM
i dont wanna re-sit for it!
go for AFS interview
well all i need to do is just stay in there as long as possible
enjoy life
hahaa, as if im not doing it enough already!
get driver's licence
this means more and more and more begging to do
STOP procrastination!
my worst habit ever.. followed by distraction of all sorts and laziness

we will see in a year's time what happens next ☺

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


umm... hi blog readers... how shall i put this....
this is the main reason why i named this first post as *awkwardness*... i dont know what to say!
well i dedicate this first post specially to Ashvini, cos she was the one who requested me to make a blog and i must first warn you guys beforehand that this blog can be mean and evil (ahh, my personality!) and if you cant take it stop reading from here onwards.... dont come to me and say all sorts of crap telling me to stop it cos i wont and will not stop doing what i have started

this is a blog where words of non-wisdom & junk come together

have fun reading this and dont take it too seriously, life's just too short for that
