Friday, December 25, 2015

Je Me Suis Un Joyeux Noel Peu

Well, seeing everyone around me so happy on such a beautiful Christmas day makes me all warm inside my heart too. It sucks to be away from home three Christmases in a row, but there's nothing I can do about it. I know that in the future, there will be even more Christmases away from home and it's gonna be inevitable. Maybe I'll build a home away from home someday on my own, too. 

I am also well aware of the fact that I will miss this study life when I'm no longer a student. Reality isn't too far away from me, because right now I'm already halfway through with my final year and in 6 more months, I will be done. I will graduate before I even finish writing this blog post, that's how fast time zooms past me. Like, you know how time is relative? In Interstellar, there were two scenes that made me gasp for air. The first scene was when they arrived on Miller's planet and found that the astronaut before them crashed only minuted before their arrival, although she left for the mission years ago. The second scene was the scene where they returned from Miller's planet back to their ship, and found that Romilly was 24 years older in the span of the few hours that they were on Miller's planet. I kid you not when I say I damn near had a panic attack watching this movie, because it describes my anxiety down to the last dot. Time is relative. To me, time moves really fast but to you, maybe time is extremely slow. This is why I worry. I worry about growing old.  I worry about people around me dying. I worry about death.

In exactly one month minus one day, I will turn 23. I don't really know how to feel about it. Each birthday passes by and I feel like I am the same like the years before, but when I look back on the big picture, I've actually turned into a different person. That's good, I guess. At least there's progress. 

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