Brace yourself - for I am going to write another sappy blog post.
There are so many things that are going wrong in my life right now. Remember Murphy's Law? Whatever that can go wrong will go wrong. Or something like that, I can't really remember. Let's start with today, and trace back time.
So I was at Jong Crocodile Farm this afternoon with 4 of my male housemates, and we had a good time because there was a swing and who could resist swinging on swings?? Not me so I got on the swing, after tossing my bag aside. Then I went on happily with the rest of my trip and then it hit me - MY BAG IS MISSING. I retraced my steps but unfortunately it has obviously been taken by someone who had no intention of returning it. In the bag were my keys, a bottle of water, and my wallet. There was about RM10+ inside, SGD2, and USD12. I was very heartbroken to have lost my wallet not because of the money (since I valued my loss at RM10+ anyway) but because of the things inside my wallet. My ID could be renewed, and that includes my actual ID, uni ID, and driver's license and bank cards, but along with these I also had a polaroid picture of myself, and a business card of a very important person to me :( so basically I not only lost money (I'm already poor as fuck) but I also lost sentimental items as well and that makes me really sad. The reason why I never changed my USD either was because it held sentimental value for me - it was given to me by the same person, which was why, at this moment, valued at RM49.13 - I never bothered to exchange it because it is worth more than RM49.13 to me. On top of that, I got scolded by 5 different people for being so careless BUT I ALREADY KNOW THAT. I already feel bad enough as it is.
Okay, another thing that is going wrong is my final year thesis. I did really badly, and completely screwed up my chances of getting A so there's that. My dataset was a little wonky and so is my whole thesis. That's what I get for doing last minute work :( but in my defense, I literally have no time for anything because of this campaign that I had to conduct that carries the same weightage as the thesis, but so much more demanding, so ultimately, it was a disaster. I hated the campaign subject, not because we had to organize 3 events but because I had to work with people who dislike me and vice versa. So yeah, I'm heartbroken about that as well.
Oh my god. I could go on and on but I don't want to, since all these will be over in 2 days anyway. I've been doing this for 3 years, it's time for a new change. To be honest, I'm actually so done with uni and I can't wait to get out. They say that uni is one of the best times of your life - I concur halfheartedly. People here are using you to their advantage, lecturers are out to kill you with workload, and life is depressing when you chase after straight A's. I'm proud to say I am a straight A student, but it costed me a lot of fun and happiness that I could have gotten instead.
Again, I feel bittersweet - somewhat relieved, somewhat too comfortable to change.
But I think I'm ready.