• get a gpa of 3.7 and above for all my semesters
Why 3.7 ? Because I can actually waive my loan and not pay back. I've already owed about 20k by the time I graduate so it would really benefit me to not spend RM150 of my first paycheck to pay off my debt and subsequently take out RM150 every month til my debt is all paid. Fuck being a student is so tough.
• exercise
I haven't done any exercising since I stopped in November 2011 so it would really be good to dust my shoes and get back on track and get a decent body. For my future navel piercing.
• get another piercing
If my navel piercing didn't reject I'd be so happy but no, my bitch of a body HAS TO kick it out. I'm eyeing for a rook piercing too. Piercings are fun and exciting.
• learn to forgive and forget
Why harbor hate towards someone who doesn't even remember if s/he has hurt you ? So from now on if anyone say/ do mean things to me I should probably just forget about it cause chances are I'm sacrificing my happiness over some assholes being mean. (Well my social science lecturer was being the ultimate bitch yesterday so I'm still kinda angry she had to react the way she did but TODAY IS A DIFFERENT DAY it's a new me so I forgive her.)
• spend more time with my grandparents
I'd really like to be able to drive my grandparents anywhere they want to because I have a drivers license now and I am willing to be a free personal chauffeur. Maybe this excitement will wear off once I have my own kids and have to dread driving them to school.
• spend more time with my grandparents
I'd really like to be able to drive my grandparents anywhere they want to because I have a drivers license now and I am willing to be a free personal chauffeur. Maybe this excitement will wear off once I have my own kids and have to dread driving them to school.
Wow this list is so short I really have nothing better to come up with. Probably will add to this list when I think of something worth doing. Yea. I should really get back to my studies.